邮箱:yeyabjb@163.com 办公地址:机电楼218
教 育 背 景
工 作 履 历
2016.06-至今 中国矿业大学(北京) 高级工程师
2010.03-2015.12 机械科学研究总院博士后工作站/中机生产力促进中心 高级工程师
2002.08-2005.02 郑州机械研究所 工程师
1995.07-1999.08 莱芜钢铁总厂 助理工程师
研 究 领 域
研 究 概 况
1. 国家自然科学基金项目,高速变负载煤矸分拣并联机器人应用基础研究;参与
2. 十二五科技支撑计划,2 兆瓦以上风电装备系列轴承关键技术研究与应用子课题;骨干
3. 04科技重大专项,大型专用轴承子课题;骨干
研 究 成 果
[1] Xiuming Li, Huhu Luo, Tong Li, Jinling Chi & Hu Lin. A bidirectional algorithm for evaluation of straightness error. MAPAN-Jounal of Metrolgy Society of India, 2023,38, 661–667(SCI)
[2] Xiuming Li, YuJie Li, Runqi Chen, Jinling Chi, Xianjin Shi, Hu Lin. Evaluation of the minimum circumscribed circle based on the chord and its two corresponding minimum angles, Measurement, 2022, 201: 111754 (SCI)
[3] Li Xiuming, Zhang Xin, Du Zhehua, Zhu Hanbing, Liu Yuwei. Evaluation of flatness error based on two upper points and two lower points, Measurement, 2021, 183: 109901 (SCI)
[4] Li Xiuming, Yang Peng, Yan Yang, Liu Guotong, Liu Yuwei. Evaluation of the maximum inscribed circle based on the maximum chord and maximum angle. Measurement Science and Technology, 2021,32,037001(SCI: 000599787100001)
[5] Li Xiuming, Wen Zhikan, Zhu Hanbing, Guo Zhen, Liu Yuwei. An improved algorithm for evaluation of the minimum circumscribed circle and maximum inscribed circle based on the local minimax radius. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020,91,035103 (SCI)
[6] Li Xiuming, Zhu Hanbing, Guo Zhen, Liu Yuwei. Simple and efficient algorithm for the roundness error from polar coordinate measurement data. Review of Scientific Instruments,2020,91,025105(SCI)
[7] Li Xiuming, Liu Yuwei. A quick algorithm for evaluation of minimum zone circles from polar coordinate data. Review of Scientific Instruments,2020,90, 125114 (SCI)
[8] Li Xiuming, Zhang Jingcai. A joint method for the maximum inscribed circle and minimum circumscribed circle. Measurement, 2016, 87: 189~193 (SCI:)
[9] Li Xiuming, Zhang Jingcai. Evaluation for the minimum circumscribed circle based on the rotation method. Measurement Science and Technology, 2014, 25(9): 097001 (SCI)
[10] Li Xiuming, Zhang Jingcai, Liu Hongqi. Determination of the minimum zone circle based on the minimum circumscribed circle. Measurement Science and Technology, 2014, 25(1):017002 (SCI)
科 研 方 向